Imperial College London
Supervisors: Prof Mike Lowe, Prof Richard Craster
The NDE group at Imperial College has made important research progress in recent years in the ultrasonic NDE of rough defects. This has been helped greatly by two targeted research project, one on the reflection of ultrasound from cracks with rough surfaces, and the other on the diffraction from the tips of rough cracks. The latter project will end this year. The key challenge in this topic is how to predict the amplitudes of reflected or diffracted waves when we don’t know the specific profile of the rough surface.
Our research has delivered a methodology that rapidly predicts the expected amplitude of reflection from just a statistical description of the roughness, which should allow a lot of the usual conservatism deployed in industrial inspection to be dropped. The aim of the project will be to pursue inspection contexts of interest to the industrial partner, to apply and deliver improved inspections that make use of this new knowledge and capabilities.
This project is only accepting home students.