EngD Studentship in Next Generation Smart Pigs for Industrial Pipework

University of Strathclyde

Supervisors: Dr Gordon Dobie & Dr Ehsan Mohseni

Industry Partner: Cokebusters

The Cokebusters’ intelligent pig is unique; a single-bodied, untethered, bi-direction inspection tool. The intelligent pig is suited not only to the complex serpentine coil networks found within heaters and steam generators, but also to other process piping systems and pipelines. Data is post-processed to create informed reporting and the generation of navigable 3D image files.  

The EngD will look at bringing in additional NDT techniques and pig designs to develop next-generation inspection solutions.   Currently, Cokebusters offer a successful service for corrosion mapping in liquid-filled pipes.   Exciting opportunities exist in extending both the NDT techniques and delivery mechanisms.   Depending on the candidate’s skillset, the EngD may consider NDT science, sensors, pig localisation, embedded electronics, visualisation of results and AI for data analysis.  Please contact us to find out more about this exciting opportunity at a high-growth company. 

An example Mark IV 4” inspection pig
An example result from inspecting a furnace 

About Cokebusters

Cokebusters is an SME with about 100 staff based in Chester (UK) and Houston (USA).  The EngD is in partnership with the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow.  Cokebusters provide a global service to internally inspect 2-12” pipes using micro ultrasonic pigs that are driven through the pipe work by fluid flow.