The Engineering Context of NDE

University of Bristol

Course Director: Anthony Croxford


Students embarking on a career in NDE need a solid understanding of how NDE is used in engineering practise. This unit provides that context, through offering a basic overview of the range of NDE techniques that exist and studying the business cases that are applied to determine how it is employed. This unit will be delivered with industrial partners to communicate and explore the practical, regulatory and financial environment that NDE exists in. The unit will finish with a broad discussion of the most significant outstanding research issues in NDE to give the students context for their future research. 


The only summative assessment of the unit is a 5000 word essay explaining the broad context of NDE, how and why it is employed. The essay will reflect the experience that the students have with an industrial visit as part of the course and several lectures given by industrial leaders. This submission will address all of the learning outcomes. In addition to the summative assessments an industrial visit in the course and subsequent discussion will be used as the basis of a formative assessment whereby the students appreciation of why NDE is important and how it is used will be investigated and feedback given to them.